Small businesses can pivot quickly, adapt to market changes, and implement innovative ideas without bureaucratic constraints, allowing for swift adjustments to meet evolving consumer needs. When effectively cultivated and integrated into a small business's strategy, businesses can drive superior growth and differentiation in the market. The Hispano Chamber offers several small business development programs through the Barelas Economic Opportunity Center (BEOC) that foster local economic growth and community vitality. These programs serve as invaluable platforms that provide aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small businesses with essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. 

Our Program Benefits

Our training programs have a proven track record of success. They provide entrepreneurs and business owners access to tailored guidance, workshops, and expertise, empowering them to navigate challenges effectively, scale their operations, and innovate within competitive markets. Participants have reported increased business knowledge, improved operational efficiency, and higher profitability. For more information about small business development programs call (505) 842-9003 or email 

Hispano Chamber Programs

Growing Small business

OBJECTIVE: The Growing Small Business (GSB) is an eight-week development program to assist small business owners by providing practical strategies and actionable insights on key areas like strategic planning, financial management, and customer engagement. Participants will boost their business knowledge, increase profitability, and achieve sustainable growth. 

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Emprendedores I

OBJECTIVE: Emprendedores will provide Hispanic and Hispanic women-owned entrepreneurs with a basic understanding of how to start a small business and the resources to support entrepreneurs. Sessions are offered in Spanish and occur once a week over a six-week course. 

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Emprendedores II

OBJECTIVE: Emprendedores II will give Hispanic entrepreneurs and Hispanic Women-owned business owners the skills and resources to manage, grow, and scale their established businesses with a hands-on approach through a six-week course. Sessions are offered in Spanish and occur weekly.

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Procurement Series

OBJECTIVE: The Procurement Series is a six-week program that provides small businesses (suppliers of goods and services) with the necessary tools and resources to unlock the mysteries of procuring contract opportunities with the federal, state, and local governments and anchor institutions in New Mexico. It will enable participants to navigate the complex landscape of procurement processes, regulations, and best practices. Sessions meet once a week over the six weeks. 

More Information Coming Soon

Digital Deep Dive: Digital Marketing for growth

OBJECTIVE: The Digital Deep Dive program will focus on best practices, including a digital media course curriculum, for small businesses on how to create logos and branding materials, build digital collateral for social media—including how to set up a business FB and IG page and create page banners and posts—and create a small website or landing page in Wix. 

More Information Coming Soon

Avanzar Accelerator Program

OBJECTIVE: Participants will learn to enhance their leadership skills, optimize business operations, and implement significant growth and scalability strategies. This program offers expert-led sessions, additional one-on-one advisement, access to capital, and connections to resources and networks. The program occurs over eight (8) monthly sessions combined with one-on-one advisement. 

More Information Coming Soon

Annual Procurement Summit

OBJECTIVE: The Procurement Summit provides a platform for small businesses to meet with top procurement experts in the field and various buying agencies through networking and matchmaking opportunities. Additionally, contractors and suppliers can learn the required steps to do business with different federal, state, and local governments, as well as up-to-date procurement information and regulations, access networks and contracts, attend informational sessions, and pursue opportunities to grow and scale their businesses. 

More Information Coming Soon

Youth Summit and Futures Fair

OBJECTIVE: Unlike traditional job fairs, the Youth Summit and Futures Fair connects students and young adults to resources for developing their college and career plans after high school. The Youth Summit strives to empower students with practical insights into financial literacy, debt awareness, career readiness, and educational planning by offering tailored workshops and academic resources from various educational resources, colleges, trade schools, financial institutions, and local businesses. 

More Information Coming Soon
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